Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have some thrilling news! Cevin and I finished our first hippo puppet for our senior project! He's full or error and will definitely not be used in our final production, but we've been working on him for a few weeks so it's cool to see him complete.

Check this guy out....

Look how happy he's making everyone...

Here is a snapshot of the mold we used to make him. Maybe it'll help you understand the process a little bit. We sculpted him our of clay originally and then used that clay sculpt to make this mold. Then we used this mold to make a foam puppet. Presto!


Kelli said...

I like how you say "presto" as if it were easy. Which it was, obviously, not. Cute, cute hippo.

Cevin Thornbrugh said...

That Hippo WAS making everyone soooo happy!! He is pretty awesome, Great Job Colleen!!

Colleen Thornbrugh said...

Great job to you too Cevin!