Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cereal Box and Birds.

Our latest assignment in Inspirational Design was to come up with a cereal box. We drew random words to make our titles, and I got Super Fudgie Plumpies. Sounds delicious, right? We were required to actually make the cereal and photograph it, or render it in 3D. I made my cereal out of Peep heads painted brown...

And for more viewing pleasure, check out the bird test for my senior project below. I animated the birds on paper, and then scanned all of the drawings. I colored them in photoshop and then printed them, attached to cardstock and cut them all out. After that Cevin animated them in our scene. Looks pretty cool, I think.

Birds from Colleen Thornbrugh on Vimeo.


Darah Morin said...

I can't stop watching the birds!

Steve Leeper said...

The birds are looking great! I can't wait to see some scenes come together. The Fudgie Plumpies look almost edible.

ck said...

Love the birds, but that cereal made me puke a little bit in my mouth (turds).

Cevin Thornbrugh said...

Your cereal was my favorite!! Great job Colleen!!!!

Mom said...

I think peep-head cereal has real marketing potential...hmmm. This college education may pay off after all! Love the birds!

Breadwig said...

It's the steam that really puts this over the top into pure awesomeness.