Over Spring Break I got up my courage and tried out watercolors for the first time. I bought myself a 7 dollar set of paints from Walmart and a 4 dollar set of brushes that came with a plastic pallet. So this stuff is pretty high quality. I had a lot of fun, but I would love to get some feedback on how to improve. So what do you think? Here are a couple of my attempts...

And here is a watercolor that Cevin's little cousin Brock did. He's 4, and has impressive skills, don't you think?
I'm real impressed what you have managed to do with cheapo paints and brushes. Man, I *really* want to see what you could do with the good stuff!
I've said it before, but I love this stuff. You are really playing to the strengths of dry brushing and getting some great texture and colour diffusion.
I think you should try out a wet style of watercolour. Would be fun to see the kind of textures you could make with it. Of course, don't do that in your watercolour sketchbook!
Colleen these are amazing! Like I mean really really good. I think the first one with the orange-ish face is really cool, the colors mixed very well and there's a wonderful amount of color bleeding. It definitely fits the sketchy timid line quality.
The one in the middle, it looks like Cevin's mother :P...I think the background wash could definitely use a bit more water in it as could the character. You might try going into these with more of a plan of where you want the shading this way you can more appropriately plan you're highlight areas...I know that's something i struggle with is having a set plan of the shading so my final outcome is not as strong as it could be. But I think these are excellent, especially the first one of the black girl-that one turned out the best, and hey even the shading is top notch :)
So yeah, I think you just need to work on your backgrounds a wee bit more, and maybe push the shading a bit more...also don't be afraid to mix in many different colors like yellows with pinks, etc. Awesome job though, I'm slightly jealous you're picking this up so fast :P
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