Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Noodle Doodle and Dragons

My friend Jimi did a noodle doodle of me and Callie...

I am pretty excited about this. Jimi did two noodle doodles before this one, and I was pretty convinced that they were both drawings of me. I don't think Jimi was as convinced, but then she did one that really was me! Awesome! Check out more of Jimi's art here:

In other art news, my Artastic kids learned how to draw dragons today. They did an awesome job! For some reason all of the kids at the Boys and Girls club get really excited about drawing dragons, so we had a really good time today. Check it out...

This one is my dragon...


Darah Morin said...

I like that all the dragons are facing the same way. You should put them up like they're marching in a dragon army. I'm real jealous of the teaching kids art thing. I have been trying to see what is required to get a teaching license in Indiana, so I could see if I could teach elementary art. I think I would really like that.

Kudos on what you're doing. Happy kids are making those pics. Keep up the good work, friend :)

Joseph Huffman said...

Dragons are awesome.

Colleen Thornbrugh said...

Darah, I have been looking into getting a masters in education so I could teach art too. Cool.

Joseph, I think so too.

Dad said...

I love your dragon the best.

Jimi Bonogofsky said...

You should get a masters in dragons.

Actually, I was thinking of you when I drew the first one. I gave her your wedding Toms.

Breadwig said...

The stuff those kids have been doing, I am so impressed.

Colleen Thornbrugh said...

Jimi, I knew it!!